Political party businesses in Zambia

Find out details about different political parties in Zambia here. PF, MMD, UPND and more.

Political parties

Find out details about different political parties in Zambia here. PF, MMD, UPND and more.

Find out details about different political parties in Zambia here. These political parties include Patriotic Front, Movement for Multiparty Democracy, United Party for National Development and more.

Zambia is a multi-party system with the Patriotic Front in power. Opposition parties are allowed and do have some significant representation in government, and are widely considered to have a real chance of gaining the presidency or a majority in the National Assembly of Zambia. The President of Zambia is both head of state and head of government in a multi-party system. The government exercises executive power, while legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament.

The politics of Zambia takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Zambia is head of state, head of government and leader of a multi-party system. Zambia stands out as a very democratic country and is now enjoying the seventh peaceful transfer of power since 1964