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Pumulani Renewable Energy Centre

Kafue, Zambia
Skills training
Pumulani Renewable Energy Centre is an important centre for education and training on renewable energy in Zambia. The training centre teaches local, national and regional groups about renewable energy and how to install, maintain and troubleshoot solar systems. It has courses that range from 1 to 10 days. Pumulani Renewable Energy Centre has a partner enterprise Solar Suntech that specialises in solar energy systems and power back-up systems.

Skills training

The centre provides hands on tailor-made courses for technicians and entrepreneurs. Pumulani use trainers with full experience in the production, installation and maintenance of solar installations. The aim, subject and length of each course is geared to the particular group in training.

The centre also offers after-training support to newly established solar entrepreneurs. Organised introductory days can be arranged for those interested. On a public demo day, visitors are shown various renewable energy applications together with explanations and demonstrations. Special demos with technical guidance can be arranged for those using or thinking of using renewable energy. Due to Zambia's size and vast remote areas, the national electricity grid is not an option for many Zambian households. Renewable energy provides a real opportunity for the development of energy supplies across Zambia. However, Zambia faces key barriers to the deployment of renewable energy which the Pumulani Renewable Energy Centre are aiming to solve. These barriers are:

  • Limited availability of technical knowledge and capacity to train, design, install, operate, manage and maintain renewable energy systems.
  • Limited availability and access to existing renewable energy information and resources.
  • A lack of public awareness on renewable energy technologies.

Management and staff Pumulani's founders and staff are qualified teachers and highly competent in training delivery. They are exceptionally knowledgeable on renewable energy and have relevant business skills, management experience and partnership building skills. You are encouraged to contact the team to discuss your specific needs. Clients include

  • Government departments
  • NGOs
  • Businesses
  • Faith-based groups and missions
  • Relief groups
  • The health and education sector
Skills training
Pumulani Renewable Energy Centre · Skills training
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